Mint Rose

"To be the greatest warrior.. That is my dream!"

Standing before you is a 6 fulm 5 ilm Xaela. His tousled black hair seems to be constantly getting in the way of his shining green eyes, twinkling with a constant spark of cautious curiosity

Mint Rose
Blade for Hire
30 Winters
6 Fulms 5 ilms
175 ponze
Black with green highlights. Styled however he woke up that morning
Defining Features
Piercing green eyes
Tall, Strong
Loose, slight slouch
Monotone, bored.. Unless it's about something he's interested in. Inwhichcasehespeaksveryquickly.
Fighting, sleeping, drinking, competition
Bland food, cowards, magic, Yols
Fighting, any feats of strength
Aether Manipulation

A Xaela with a big body and a bigger heart, as much as he doesn't like to show it. Mint wanders from city to city, finding work as a hired blade to any who have the gil to afford him.Mint is constantly seen with a scowl on his face, but he means well enough, and will often be the loudest laugh in the room when a joke is told.When he's not in a bar relaxing, Mint can be found exploring the highest of heights in whatever location he finds himself in. On the ground, Mint is restless, always in need of something to occupy his mind,At a high vantage point, however, the Xaela becomes calm, sentimental even. Simply enjoying the marvellous view that he considers himself lucky to witness.

Mint was born into the mighty Oronir tribe of the Azim Steppe under the name 'Yaboku Oronir'.Even as a child, Yaboku was eager to prove himself. He was taller, and more broad-shouldered than anyone else his age. He could easily overcome any obstacle set before him. Whether it was training with the heaviest sword, shooting a target from the farthest point, or sparring with the strongest opponent, there was nothing that Yaboku wouldn't do in order to demonstrate his military prowess.However as time passed, the other Xaela children grew to be as tall as Yaboku. After awhile, they were able to match him in battle. Eventually, they were able to surpass him.His parents never stopped encouraging him, however. His mother and father, both being prominent Oronir warriors, continued to push Yaboku to develop himself.When it came time to undertake Bardam's Mettle, Yaboku was ready. Sword in hand he charged into the gauntlet and...! ... Lost. He couldn't remember how it happened. One moment he was in the fray of battle, the next he was back home in his bed.As his friends and peers congratulated themselves, boasting about how they would bring pride to their tribe in the Naadam, Yaboku sat alone with his thoughts.He made a promise that night. A promise to not just become strong, but to become the strongest. He would become a warrior that would surpass Magnai- Nay! Bardam himself! He would return to his tribe one day. He would pass Bardam's trial. And then he would defeat Magnai in the Azim Bokh!In his shame, Yaboku thought himself to be unworthy of the Oronir name. He decided to adopt the name 'Mint' from his fondness of the herb.With a rucksack of supplies, and an arsenal of weapons that would make a Limsan pirate blush, Mint left his Tribe. In search of strength. In search of his dream.

Mint is a traveling Xaela who is constantly looking for his next job to keep a roof over his head, and to put food in his belly. As such he can feasibly be found anywhere in the world. However for some possible hook ideas, the following have been provided.

A Night to Remember

At a local tavern, Mint is drinking himself silly on cheap wine, and generally having a jolly, albeit rowdy, time. Would your character join in his antics? Or maybe they're just trying to enjoy a night of peace and quiet.

Blade for Hire

Mint is a sell-sword; And a damned good one at that. Perhaps your character has need of his skills?

Odd Jobs

Eorzea has entered an unsteady peace, and there's not much gil to be made on the battlefield anymore. Mint knows this, and has gradually shifted to doing odd jobs for those with the coin.
Whether it's personal tutoring, cleaning, or cooking (Twelve preserve those who dare attempt to eat his cooking), Mint is willing to do any job provided the payment is right.

About Me c:

26 year old Canadian loser.
Somehow the forever DM for a group of murderhobos
When I'm not working, in school, or prepping a session for a bunch of psychopaths, I spend my time playing vidya games.
Mostly RPGs, but I'm no stranger to the occasional FPS.
I'm in a committed monogamous relationship with my lovely girlfriend so please don't be a weirdo. I am, however, always looking for chill people to game with!I have a Discord, but I tend to only give it out if I know you fairly well :)

Da Rules

  • Walk-Up is fine if I have the RP tag on :) If I don't...

  • Send a /tell if you want to RP and I don't have the tag on. I rarely turn down the opportunity to expand my RP skills, but I just might be busy with something else!

  • I prefer to RP semi-literate to literate. Depending on what kind of scene it is I don't mind if you only put in one line. But if we're going to be RPing a lot in the future, I do ask that you also be semi-literate to literate please.

  • I'm always willing to try out scenes that I don't have much experience in/don't know much about. But if I feel like a boundary is being crossed, or if I feel uncomfortable, I will end the scene.

  • On the topic of boundaries; Any scenes with Mint are strictly in character. I am not Mint, Mint is not me. Please don't mistake the things that this big himbo gremlin does/says for things that I am personally doing or saying.

  • We're all here to have fun! If there's anything I can do to improve your RP experience, please let me know! I'll do the same for you :)